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Kayak Fishing
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Kayak Fishing

I am a disabled veteran and overweight.  I had been looking for a excersize that would be fun for me to do.  I decided on Kayak fishing.  So last week I bought a Kayak, a Eagle Run, Field and Steam, 12' long one.  Strangely enough it was highly recommended by all but one person.  So I went to Dick's Sportinggoods and paid the $399.00 for it, plus the car carrier (two foam blocks, some rope and some bands).  It took two clerks and me to get it on my roof.  I then took it home and struggled to get it off my car and onto the lawn.  When I got it on the lawn, I slid it into my home.  Thankfully I am divorced and have sparse furnishings.  I then drove to the BMV only to find I needed to go to the ODNR off East 49th Street.  I bought the boat tags and put them on, the yak is now legal.  I then began a search for car carriers and found one, the Rhino.  I also began looking for a EZLoader and found something of this sort, which I also have purchased onlline and am waiting for.  Anyway, I would have tried a smaller one, if it weren't for my having looked beforehand and finding the Eagle Run.  I weight 300 lbs and there are few 10' long yaks that are rated for someone fat like me.  Well, I'll write and discuss how the new rack and ezloader are once they get here.  In the meanwhile I decided to go to Wallace Lake and just check it out, a lake in the Cleveland Metro parks.  My Sprintnav had me going in circles as it did not recognize the metroparks roads.  I had to look at a map on my phone in order to have a guess of where I was and how to get to Wallace Lake.  I drove along the road and did not see any signs stating where I could load and unload a yak.  I found Wallace Lake and there is a sign at the Hard Quarry Rock Cafe' that states NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES IN KAYAKS, also something about a 30 minute ticket.  Don't know what that means.  My dream was to launch my new Yak, put my lunch and a bottle of water inside, go fishing at Wallace Lake, and find a shady place while in the Yak to have lunch.  So much for that.  I did look up this place but nowhere was there any information about launching a yak, or the prohibition about food in the yak.  I did find that this park, Baldwin and Coe Lakes have different fishing and boating regulations but did not find any site that told me what these are.  I can only imagine trying to drive there with a 12' foot yak on my roof, stopping to look for street signs that are hidden behind trees and poles, trying to avoid being rear ended by those on cell phones or who are reading maps or books.  There are no courteous drivers today.  Also, most of these people knew where they were going.  I didn't and these drivers, the pedestrians and cyclists were quite distracting and annoying for me.  Sometimes I have mused about the placement of street signs in the state of Ohio, that they must have been put up by the Society for the Blind!!!  Anyway, that's all for now.

Posted at 07:04 PM


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